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Live Grass isn’t Always the Best Answer

Live Grass isn’t Always the Best Answer

Your lawn is the framework of your property. The most beautiful home loses all curb appeal when the grass is yellow and spotty. Then rain and irrigation turns a spotty yard into a muddy yard–dirt and mud that ends up being tracked inside your home and onto your floors, carpets and furniture.
Tired of battling the damage caused by chinch bugs and mole crickets, lack of water (either from drought or irrigation restrictions) or from the family dog and/or children that are constantly tearing up the grass? Why would anyone keep putting in more live grass when it didn’t work the first time? Years ago, few people would even consider having fake grass, but now there’s FieldTurf synthetic turf, the most realistic looking and longest lasting artificial grass solution. Great for both residential and commercial applications, FieldTurf provides everything you could want from an outdoor surface.
With FieldTurf, you will never mow, water or fertilize again, saving you time and money and helping you save the environment. Your lush
FieldTurf lawn will never have dead patches or mud spots which means no more dirty dog paws inside your home. There will be no more
grass-destroying insect problems. It’s non-allergenic so you can be
outside enjoying your yard year round, and FieldTurf has an estimated lifespan of 15 to 20+ years!
Dogs love playing on FieldTurf and they take to it just as naturally as they do to live grass. Dogs that are normally sensitive to grass pollen
allergies enjoy FieldTurf’s allergen free advantage. An even better
advantage to all dogs is that FieldTurf eliminates an insect environment (fleas, ticks, fire ants, etc.).
Imagine teeing off, chipping and putting, all in your backyard! With FieldTurf, your property can have a golf amenity that rivals that of a country club. From tee to green with bunkers and chipping areas in between, you can have the ultimate golf environment. FieldTurf Signature Series synthetic putting greens not only look and feel like the best golf course greens, they play as true.
For more information, to view samples, and for a FREE consultation, contact your local FieldTurf professionals at AlternaScapes, Inc. today at 800-445-2944 or visit