Be Prepared this Florida Hurricane Season with Impact Resistant Windows and Doors
As a Florida homeowner, you know how unpredictable Florida’s summertime weather can be. Days start off warm and sunny, but it isn’t uncommon to end the day with a sudden thunderstorm. Perhaps the most unpredictable weather patterns we experience are hurricanes. Their high velocity winds, violent rain and erratic paths of movement make it necessary for homeowners to be prepared for whatever the storms may bring.
Some of the most extreme damage to a home occurs when strong gusts of wind plunge storm debris through glass windows and doors. Once the debris penetrates your home, extreme circumstances could even cause a wind pressure environment that has the potential to lift off your roof.
Another source of costly damage is water intrusion during a storm. The large openings in a home created by the wind-blown debris allow water to pour in and seep into your walls, floors and furnishings. In addition, mold and mildew often develop with the already costly water damage.
As a homeowner, it’s smart to think ahead and protect your home against unruly weather and unwanted property damage. One way you can protect your home against a hurricane’s powerful forces is to install impact resistant windows and doors.
NewSouth Window Solutions is well known in Florida for their high quality impact resistant doors and windows. They have developed a window called the iVantage 9000, which is engineered, designed and manufactured by NewSouth Window Manufacturing. This proprietary product is designed to exceed Miami Dade’s High Velocity Hurricane Zone standard. It even exceeds the far more stringent American Society of Testing Materials standards.
The iVantage 9000 window features laminated panes of glass that are designed by experts to deliver the highest level of impact resistance on the market.
“I don’t know when the next hurricane might strike,” said Earl Rahn, president of NewSouth Window Solutions. “But I do know when your next electric bill will come – every month, like clockwork, for the rest of your life.”
That’s exactly why NewSouth Window Solutions offers windows that are not only impact resistant, but also energy efficient. They are specifically designed to keep Florida’s hot, torrid temperatures out and keep your air conditioning and kilowatts in.
All windows made and sold by NewSouth are crafted with the same frame, components and parts, no matter which market they’re being sold in – so you’re protected with the best, whether laws in your area require it or not. That’s why NewSouth windows are referred to by so many as the “ultimate Florida window.”
What really sets them apart from other window and door suppliers is their factory direct promise. They are the only company that designs, manufactures and installs windows and doors. They have cut out the middle-man so they are able to give you the best products for the lowest prices.
NewSouth Window Solutions is truly the Florida window factory. Call them today at (813) 200-4374 to schedule your free in-home estimate, or visit for more information. You can also consult their review on the consumer research and referral site, Trust Dale, at
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