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Animal Hospital of Largo’s Holistic Approach to Animal Care

Animal Hospital of Largo’s Holistic Approach to Animal Care

The ancient practice of acupuncture gives its patients benefits from stress relief to symptom alleviation of chronic conditions. This commonly used alternative therapy is even beneficial for four-legged pals, first being used on animals in China from 136 to 265 a.d. Animal Hospital of Largo brings this traditional treatment into contemporary times, using different methods including dry needling, aqua-acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and more, depending on the patients’ needs.
Acupuncture treatments are specific to the patient, treating a range of conditions in different ways. Dr. Stephanie Jourdenais, or Dr. J, provides acupuncture at Animal Hospital of Largo and plans the most suitable treatment for your pet should your veterinarian determine he or she would find it beneficial. The goal of acupuncture use, which has proven clinically effective in the treatment of a number of conditions, is returning the animal to homeostasis of its body systems, from alleviating painful conditions to aiding organ functions. While patients don’t experience pain during the procedure, many do become overwhelmingly relaxed and doze off.
At the Animal Hospital of Largo, you can be assured your beloved animal will receive the best care from a welcoming and qualified team. Dr. Mike Banull—who has contributed extensively to veterinary practices across North America—and Dr. J ensure your pet’s optimal comfort and well being with a holistic approach. To learn more about them, visit their website at or call (727) 595-2287 today and schedule an appointment to see how your pet could benefit from acupuncture.